How to Manage chainctl Configuration

The Chainguard command line interface (CLI) tool, chainctl, will help you interact with the account model that Chainguard provides, and enable you to make queries into what’s available to you on the Chainguard platform.

chainctl config CLI

chainctl has a local configuration you can manage. To get a list of all options available, you can run:

chainctl config -h

You’ll receive output like the following:

Local config file commands for chainctl.

  chainctl config [command]

Available Commands:
  edit        Edit the current chainctl config file.
  reset       Remove local chainctl config files and restore defaults.
  save        Save the current chainctl config to a config file.
  set         Set an individual configuration value property.
  unset       Unset a configuration property and return it to default.
  validate    Run diagnostics on local config.
  view        View the current chainctl config.

  -h, --help   help for config

Global Flags:
      --api string        The url of the Chainguard platform API. (default "")
      --audience string   The Chainguard token audience to request. (default "")
      --config string     A specific chainctl config file. Uses CHAINCTL_CONFIG environment variable if a file is not passed explicitly.
      --console string    The url of the Chainguard platform Console. (default "")
      --issuer string     The url of the Chainguard STS endpoint. (default "")
  -o, --output string     Output format. One of: ["", "json", "id", "table", "terse", "tree", "wide"]
  -v, --v int             Set the log verbosity level.

Use "chainctl config [command] --help" for more information about a command.

To view your current chainctl config, run:

chainctl config view

You’ll receive output similar to this:

# Base Config file: /home/erika/.config/chainctl/config.yaml
    mode: browser
    device-flow: ""
    active-within: 24h0m0s
    autoclose: true
    autoclose-timeout: "10"
    group: ""
    identity-provider: ""
    org-name: ""
    skip-auto-login: false
    skip-version-check: false
    social-login: google-oauth2
    use-refresh-token: true
        fail: '#ff0000'
        pass: '#00ff00'
        warn: '#ffa500'
    silent: false

The full documentation for the chainctl config command is available on the relevant reference page.

Edit the chainctl Configuration

You can edit the chainctl config directly with an editor. The following command will open your default command line text editor (typically nano) where you can edit the local chainctl config.

chainctl config edit

Alternatively, you can update one attribute at a time with the set option, as demonstrated in the next command:

chainctl config set platform.api=

You can review the chainctl config set options on the relevant docs page.

Reset the Configuration

If you run into issues with your chainctl configuration, you can use the following command to reset it to the default state:

chainctl config reset

You can review all the available chainctl commands in our chainctl reference documentation.

Last updated: 2024-12-12 05:56