chainctl iam

chainctl iam basics

This page presents some of the more commonly used chainctl iam commands. These commands all relate to identity and access management (IAM), enabling your organization to control access to various resources and actions.

For a full reference of all commands with details and switches, see chainctl Reference.

For the following, assume that returned information only includes that which your account has permissions to view. Also, actions such as create and delete are similarly limited.

List folders

Find out what folders are available to your organization with:

chainctl iam folders list $ORGANIZATION_NAME

For example, for our Developer Enablement team, which uses the organization, the interaction looks like this:

$ chainctl iam folders list
[] Developer Enablement images catalog

This command can also delete, describe, and update folders by replacing list with delete, describe, or update. See the reference guide for more details.

List identities

To list all of the existing identities along with roles, types, and more, use:

chainctl iam identities list

This command can also create, delete, describe, and update identities by replacing list with create, delete, describe, or update. See the reference guide for more details.

List identity providers

This command enables you to manage your own identity management provider, such as a custom OIDC provider. To list all currently configured identity management providers, use:

chainctl iam identity-providers list

This command can also create, delete, and update identity providers by replacing list with create, delete, or update. See the reference guide for more details.

List invites

This command lets you manage invite codes that register identities with Chainguard. To list current invites, use:

chainctl iam invites list

This will return a list of invites by ID with information about the invite’s expiration date, associated roles, and keyID.

This command can also create and delete invites by replacing list with create or delete. See the reference guide for more details.

List organizations

To list all of the organizations your account is associated with, use:

chainctl iam organizations list

This command can also delete and describe organizations by replacing list with delete or describe. See the reference guide for more details.

List roles

To list all of the roles your account is associated with, use:

chainctl iam roles list

This command can also create, delete, and update identities by replacing list with create, delete or update.

To find out what actions can be done by each role, use:

chainctl iam roles capabilities list

To find out about role bindings, use:

chainctl iam role-bindings list

This command can also create, delete, and update identities by replacing list with create, delete or update.

See the reference guide for more details on each of these commands.