chainctl iam folders delete

chainctl iam folders delete

Delete a folder.

chainctl iam folders delete [FOLDER_NAME | FOLDER_ID] [--skip-refresh] [--yes]


# Delete a folder by ID
chainctl iam folders delete 19d3a64f20c64ba3ccf1bc86ce59d03e705959ad/efb53f2857d567f2

# Delete a folder by name
chainctl iam folders delete my-folder

# Delete a folder to be selected interactively
chainctl iam folders delete


  -h, --help           help for delete
      --skip-refresh   Skips attempting to reauthenticate and refresh the Chainguard auth token if it becomes out of date.
  -y, --yes            Automatic yes to prompts; assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api string        The url of the Chainguard platform API. (default "")
      --audience string   The Chainguard token audience to request. (default "")
      --config string     A specific chainctl config file. Uses CHAINCTL_CONFIG environment variable if a file is not passed explicitly.
      --console string    The url of the Chainguard platform Console. (default "")
      --issuer string     The url of the Chainguard STS endpoint. (default "")
  -o, --output string     Output format. One of: ["", "json", "id", "table", "terse", "tree", "wide"]
  -v, --v int             Set the log verbosity level.


Last updated: 2024-06-04 22:20