Getting Started with the MariaDB Chainguard Image

Tutorial on how to get started with the MariaDB Chainguard Image

The MariaDB Image based on Wolfi and maintained by Chainguard provide a distroless container Image that is suitable for building and running MariaDB workloads.

Because Chainguard Images (including the MariaDB image) are rebuilt daily with the latest sources and include the absolute minimum of dependencies, they have significantly less vulnerabilities than equivalent images, typically zero. This means you can use the Chainguard MariaDB Image to run MariaDB databases in containerized environments with a smaller footprint and greater security.

In order to illustrate how the MariaDB Chainguard Image might be used in practice, this tutorial involves setting up an example PHP application that uses a MariaDB database. This guide assumes you have Docker installed to run the demo; specifically, the procedure outlined in this guide uses Docker Compose to manage the environment on your local machine.

What is distroless Distroless images are minimalist container images containing only essential software required to build or execute an application. That means no package manager, no shell, and no bloat from software that only makes sense on bare metal servers.
What is Wolfi Wolfi is a community Linux undistro created specifically for containers. This brings distroless to a new level, including additional features targeted at securing the software supply chain of your application environment: comprehensive SBOMs, signatures, daily updates, and timely CVE fixes.
Chainguard Images Chainguard Images are a mix of distroless and development images based on Wolfi. Nightly builds make sure images are up-to-date with the latest package versions and patches from upstream Wolfi.

Step 1: Setting up a demo application

This step involves downloading the demo application code to your local machine. To ensure that the application files don’t remain on your system navigate to a temporary directory like /tmp/.

cd /tmp/

Your system will automatically delete the /tmp/ directory’s contents the next time it shuts down or reboots.

The code that comprises this demo application is hosted in a public GitHub repository managed by Chainguard. Pull down the example application files from GitHub with the following command.

git clone --sparse

Because this guide’s demo application code is stored in a repository with other examples, we don’t need to pull down every file from this repository. For this reason, this command includes the --sparse option. This will initialize a sparse-checkout file, causing the working directory to contain only the files in the root of the repository until the sparse-checkout configuration is modified.

Navigate into this new directory and list its contents to confirm this.

cd edu-images-demos/ && ls

For now, this directory will only contain the repository’s LICENSE and README files.


To retrieve the files you need for this tutorial’s sample application, run the following git command.

git sparse-checkout set mariadb

This modifies the sparse-checkout configuration initialized in the previous git clone command so that the checkout only consists of the repo’s mariadb directory.

Navigate into this new directory.

cd mariadb/

From here, you can run the application and use a web browser to observe it working in real time, which we’ll do in the next section.

Step 2: Inspect, run, and test the sample application

We encourage you to check out the application code on GitHub to better understand how this application works, but we’ll provide a brief overview here.

This demo creates a LEMP (Linux, (E)NGINX, MariaDB and PHP-FPM) environment based on Wolfi Chainguard Images. We will use Docker Compose to bring up the environment, which will spin up three containers: an app container, a mariadb container, and an nginx container. These will run as services.

Once the environment is up, you can visit the demo in your web browser. The index.php file contains code that does the following:

  • Connects to the MariaDB server running in the mariadb container
  • Creates a new table named data if it doesn’t already exist
  • Inserts a new entry into the table with a random number
  • Queries the table to show all the entries

Every time you reload the page, a new entry will be added to the table.

Execute the following command to create and start each of the three containers and bring up the application.

docker compose up -d

The -d option is short for --detach; this will cause the containers to run in the background, allowing you to continue using the same terminal window. If you run into permissions issues when running this command, try running it again with sudo privileges.

Note: If at any point you’d like to stop and remove these containers, run docker compose down.

Once all the containers have started, you’ll be able to visit the application and observe it working. Open up your preferred web browser and navigate to localhost:8000. There, you’ll be presented with text like the following.

Screenshot showing a Firefox web browser window with “localhost:8000” in the address bar. On the page is the following text: “Array ( [data_key] => code [data_value] => 7064 )”

Every time you refresh your browser, a new entry will appear.

Screenshot showing a Firefox web browser window with “localhost:8000” in the address bar. On the page is the following text: “Array ( [data_key] => code [data_value] => 7064 ), Array ( [data_key] => code [data_value] => 7006 ) Array ( [data_key] => code [data_value] => 7507 )”. This indicates that the page was refreshed twice since the previous screenshot.

This shows that the application is recording each visit in the MariaDB database and that the application is working correctly.

After confirming that the application is functioning as expected, you can read through the next section to explore how else you can work with the mariadb container.

Step 3: Working with the database

The docker-compose.yml file contains some configuration details regarding the MariaDB database used in this example application. Run the following command to inspect the contents of this file.

cat docker-compose.yml

We’re interested in the mariadb service:

. . . mariadb: image: restart: unless-stopped environment: MARIADB_ALLOW_EMPTY_ROOT_PASSWORD: 1 MARIADB_USER: php MARIADB_PASSWORD: password MARIADB_DATABASE: php-test ports: - 3306:3306 volumes: - ./:/app networks: - wolfi . . .

This section defines a few environment variables relating to the database used in the example application. Importantly, they specify that the application database runs under a user named php with the password “password”. Using this information, you can connect to the php database running in the container with a command like the following.

docker exec -it mariadb-mariadb-1 mariadb --user php -p

docker exec allows you to execute commands within a running container. The -i argument allows you to execute an interactive command while the -t option allocates a pseudo-TTY to the process within the container. Because our goal is to access the sample database through the mariadb command line client, these options are necessary. Next, enter the name of the container running the MariaDB database; by default, this will be named mariadb-mariadb-1.

Following that, the remainder of this command represents the command that will be run within the container. Here, we run the mariadb command to access the database specifying that we want to connect as the php user. The final -p option indicates that we want to be prompted to enter the password.

Enter password:

Enter password and you’ll then be presented with the MariaDB command line SQL shell.

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 3 Server version: 10.11.4-MariaDB MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [(none)]>

From here, you can interact with the database from within the mariadb-mariadb-1 container as you would with any other MariaDB database. For example, you could update existing tables, create new ones, and insert or delete data.

To close the MariaDB prompt, you can enter the following command.


Of course, you likely won’t be regularly managing your containerized databases over the command line. The purpose of this section is to only show that you can interact with the database running in this container just like you would with any other MariaDB database.

Advanced Usage

If your project requires a more specific set of packages that aren't included within the general-purpose MariaDB Chainguard Image, you'll first need to check if the package you want is already available on the wolfi-os repository.

Note: If you're building on top of an image other than the wolfi-base image, the image will run as a non-root user. Because of this, if you need to install packages with apk install you need to use the USER root directive.

If the package is available, you can use the wolfi-base image in a Dockerfile and install what you need with apk, then use the resulting image as base for your app. Check the "Using the wolfi-base Image" section of our images quickstart guide for more information.

If the packages you need are not available, you can build your own apks using melange. Please refer to this guide for more information.

Last updated: 2023-09-22 11:07