Image Overview: cloudnative-pg-fips

Overview: cloudnative-pg-fips Chainguard Image

CloudNative PG FIPS

CloudNative PG is a platform for managing PostgreSQL databases within Kubernetes environments.

These images consist of the CloudNative PG operator as well as PostgreSQL images that have been extended to support the full functionality of the CloudNative PG platform.

Deploying CloudNative PG

To deploy CloudNative PG, install the CNPG Helm chart repository:

helm repo add cnpg

Deploy the operator:

helm upgrade --install cnpg \
  --namespace cnpg-system \
  --create-namespace \
  cnpg/cloudnative-pg \
  --set image.repository="<REGISTRY>/cloudnative-pg-fips" \
  --set image.tag="latest"

And now deploy the database:

helm upgrade --install database \
  --namespace database \
  --create-namespace \
  cnpg/cluster \
  --set cluster.imageName="<REGISTRY>/postgres-cloudnative-pg-fips:<POSTGRES VERSION>"

Note, you must provide a Postgres version (I.E. 15, 16, etc) as the operator expects the versioned tag for migrations.

Alternatively, deploy the database with pooler enabled using Chainguard’s PgBouncer image:

helm upgrade --install database \
  --namespace database \
  --create-namespace \
  cnpg/cluster \
  --set cluster.imageName="<REGISTRY>/postgres-cloudnative-pg-fips:<POSTGRES VERSION>"
  --set pooler.enabled=true \
  --set pooler.template.spec.containers[0].name="pgbouncer" \
  --set pooler.template.spec.containers[0].image="<REGISTRY>/pgbouncer-fips:latest"

Last updated: 2024-07-01 00:36