Image Overview: dive

Overview: dive Chainguard Image

Minimal dive container image.

Download this Image

The image is available on

docker pull


This tool provides a way to discover and explore the contents of a docker image. Additionally the tool estimates
the amount of wasted space and identifies the offending files from the image.

  dive [IMAGE] [flags]
  dive [command]

Available Commands:
  build       Builds and analyzes a docker image from a Dockerfile (this is a thin wrapper for the `docker build` command).
  help        Help about any command
  version     print the version number and exit (also --version)

      --ci                                Skip the interactive TUI and validate against CI rules (same as env var CI=true)
      --ci-config string                  If CI=true in the environment, use the given yaml to drive validation rules. (default ".dive-ci")
      --config string                     config file (default is $HOME/.dive.yaml, ~/.config/dive/*.yaml, or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dive.yaml)
  -h, --help                              help for dive
      --highestUserWastedPercent string   (only valid with --ci given) highest allowable percentage of bytes wasted (as a ratio between 0-1), otherwise CI validation will fail. (default "0.1")
      --highestWastedBytes string         (only valid with --ci given) highest allowable bytes wasted, otherwise CI validation will fail. (default "disabled")
  -i, --ignore-errors                     ignore image parsing errors and run the analysis anyway
  -j, --json string                       Skip the interactive TUI and write the layer analysis statistics to a given file.
      --lowestEfficiency string           (only valid with --ci given) lowest allowable image efficiency (as a ratio between 0-1), otherwise CI validation will fail. (default "0.9")
      --source string                     The container engine to fetch the image from. Allowed values: docker, podman, docker-archive (default "docker")
  -v, --version                           display version number

Use "dive [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Last updated: 2024-04-11 12:38