Image Overview: local-volume-provisioner

Overview: local-volume-provisioner Chainguard Image

Static provisioner of local volumes

Download this Image

The image is available on

docker pull


To be able to test the local volume provisioner, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster running. You can use k3d to create a local cluster.

Create a local cluster

k3d create cluster

Deploy the local volume provisioner

# creates the necessary StorageClass
kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f

# creates the local volume provisioner
kubectl apply -f

# changes the provisioner image to the one you want to test
kubectl set image daemonset/local-volume-provisioner provisioner=""

Please ensure that the local volume provisioner is running before moving to the next step:

kubectl rollout status daemonset/local-volume-provisioner --timeout=120s

So, if everything is running, you should shell/exec into the nodes and do the following:

# Get server and worker node names from k3d, filtering by role
node_names=$(k3d node list -o json | jq -r '.[] | select(.role == "server" or .role == "agent") | .name')

# Loop over each node name and execute the commands
for node in $node_names; do
    echo "Configuring node: $node"

    # Create directory
    docker exec $node mkdir -p /mnt/fast-disks/vol1

    # Mount tmpfs
    docker exec $node mount -t tmpfs vol1 /mnt/fast-disks/vol1

    echo "Configuration complete for node: $node"

Once you have the local disks mounted, you should see the PVs created:

kubectl get pv

That’s it! You have the local volume provisioner running and managing the local disks on your cluster.

Last updated: 2024-04-25 00:53