Image Overview: oauth2-proxy

Overview: oauth2-proxy Chainguard Image

OAuth2 Proxy is a reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Azure, OpenID Connect and many more identity providers.

Download this Image

The image is available on

docker pull

Use It!

This section provides a brief overview of how you can use Chainguard’s oauth2-proxy Image to set up a proxy that can intercept a call to a specified endpoint. A complete end-to-end test would require a GitHub account (or an account with another OIDC Auth provider), a trusted domain, and an OAuth application; this example will be useful to test that the image works but it will not be able to verify authentication or properly redirect users.

Run the following command.

docker run --detach --name oidc-test -p 8080:8080 \
  --cookie-secure=false \
  --cookie-secret=RYC2VBUYWQ6aenOkoN6jELQsrjtmwb23a7NdtrLI0ao= \
  --upstream=file:///dev/null \
  --http-address= \
  --redirect-url=http://localhost:8080/oauth2/callback \
  --client-id=sample-id \
  --client-secret=sample-secret \
  --email-domain="*" \
  --provider=github \

This docker command runs the oauth2-proxy Image while passing a number of configuration options to it. Most of these are sample values intended to get a working example proxy up and running. One particularly important option you should be aware of is the --redirect-url, which points to the OAuth application’s callback URL. In order to set up an example locally, this example uses http://localhost:8080 here.

Note that you can alternatively define these options in a configuration file or through environment variables. You can check out the OAuth2 Proxy Overview for more details on these options.

After running this command, navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your web browser. There, you’ll be presented with the OAuth2 Proxy sign-in screen.

Please refer to the official documentation for more information on how to work with OAuth2 Proxy.

Last updated: 2024-04-11 12:38