Image Overview: opensearch-dashboards

Overview: opensearch-dashboards Chainguard Image

Minimal image with OpenSearch Dashboards

Download this Image

The image is available on

docker pull

Using OpenSearch Dashboards

Chainguard OpenSearch images include the opensearch package and helper scripts which can be used to start up or configure OpenSearch.

The full list of included tools is:

$ ls /usr/share/opensearch-dashboards/bin/
opensearch-dashboards      opensearch-dashboards-plugin      opensearch-dashboards-keystore      use_node

The default entrypoint is set to run the included /usr/share/opensearch-dashboards/ script.

To get started:

Install OpenSearch and then OpenSearch Dashboards.

  1. Add the OpenSearch Helm Repository
helm repo add opensearch
  1. Create Your Custom OpenSearch Values File

Create a custom values file to specify the configuration for your OpenSearch deployment. Below are the contents you’ll use for this example. Copy the following configuration into a file named values-opensearch.yaml.

singleNode: true # useful for single node testing
majorVersion: "2"
  tag: latest
  1. Install OpenSearch with Helm Now, you’re ready to install OpenSearch using the Helm chart and your custom values file. Run the following command to start the deployment:
helm install opensearch opensearch/opensearch -f values-opensearch.yaml
  1. Create Your Custom OpenSearch Dashboard Values File values-opensearch-dashboard.yaml.
singleNode: true
majorVersion: "2"
  tag: latest
  timeoutSeconds: 10
  initialDelaySeconds: 20
  1. Install OpenSearch Dasboards with Helm
helm install opensearch-dashboards opensearch/opensearch-dashboards  -f values-opensearch-dashboard.yaml
  1. Access the UI using an ingress controller or kubectl port-forward
kubectl port-forward svc/opensearch-dashboards 5601:5601
  1. Access the Dashboard

Visit http://localhost:5601

  1. Login in

Using default setup credentials admin/admin

Last updated: 2024-04-11 12:38