postgres-cloudnative-pg Image Tags History

Image Tags and History for the postgres-cloudnative-pg Chainguard Image

The following tables contains the most recent tags and digests that can be used to pin your Dockerfile to a specific build of this image. Check our guide on Using the Tag History API for information on how to fetch all tags from an image and how to pin your Dockerfile to a specific digest.

Please note that digests and timestamps only change when there is a change to the image, even though images are rebuilt every night. The “Last Changed” column indicates when the image was last modified, and doesn’t always reflect the latest build timestamp. For more information about how our reproducible builds work, please refer to this blog post.

Public Registry

The Public Registry contains our Developer Images, which typically comprise the latest* versions of an image.

Currently, there are no Developer versions of this image available.

Private/Dedicated Registry

The Private/Dedicated Registry contains our Production Images, which include all versioned tags of an image and special images that are not available in the public registry (including FIPS images and other custom builds).

Tag (s)Last ChangedDigest
13.15-dev 13-devJune 28thsha256:ea3f7bea6423bf5e5235f94c5eb7d628b3c8946c06fbeaedf8718ea95a4bd185
13.15 13June 28thsha256:0a35c6f1d4c3a51ae0fc5723fc849b866f21e07243ca866b03a4643032dea894
15.7-dev 15-devJune 28thsha256:88a95af9d0a1dbe5753a70226b24f5b358d1e86e41a7abb0383d2d9bbea7fb38
16 16.3 latestJune 28thsha256:ab2ee2edf97e05331c41adac3c8ebf21808bf265b430d548ac292e7c58754845
14 14.12June 28thsha256:2459ccfb326272bd19ae152b056cec2f785bc45574bacb11267dd1035e954828
latest-dev 16-dev 16.3-devJune 28thsha256:d9caf699528a3b35533f0f3d180c9fb639cffa028279d516d9e6579fd0dfebf3
12 12.19June 28thsha256:c3e213bc8f723bdaabefbfa50d58f6737365ac4b5209ccb3b84503469f5e55b3
15.7 15June 28thsha256:901f38f6f8ab99ded787129836d37273632f0871de5386c642bd692c375bf3ea
14-dev 14.12-devJune 28thsha256:bdd7d37966c6ccadb8ec7af84759456cd4c5313ba8cc15b853f4dd189b42fd06
12-dev 12.19-devJune 28thsha256:64d632e3e65e783ca7db6fd13aabe8a5a3f62a9b64e0687a2a244a6d99401ceb

Last updated: 2024-07-01 00:36