Image Overview: squid-proxy-fips

Overview: squid-proxy-fips Chainguard Image

Squid Proxy is an open-source, high-performance, and highly configurable caching and forwarding web proxy. It is widely used for speeding up web servers by caching web, DNS, and other computer network lookups for a group of people sharing network resources, and for aiding security by filtering traffic.

Download this Image

The image is available on

docker pull

Compatibility Notes

Squid Proxy is compatible with a wide range of operating systems including Linux, *BSDs, macOS, and Windows. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. For detailed compatibility information, refer to the specific version documentation.

This image provides a high-performance Squid proxy server suitable for a wide range of caching and forwarding requirements. It is a drop-in replacement for traditional Squid proxy images but is enhanced for security and minimized to reduce its attack surface. Ideal for both development and production environments where a proxy server is required.

Note: We are running this image as non-root user called squid by default for more security.


Running the Squid Proxy Container

To run the squid-proxy container with default settings:

docker run --rm -p 3128:3128

Testing it with curl

export PROXY_HOST="localhost"
export PROXY_PORT="3128"
export URL=""

docker exec "$CONTAINER_NAME" curl -x http://"$PROXY_HOST":"$PROXY_PORT" "$URL" -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' -s

You will get a 200 response on this very likely, if it is 403, it might because of ACL of your squid.conf. Access Control Lists (ACLs) in squid.conf are a crucial part of Squid’s configuration. They allow you to define rules that grant or deny access to internet resources based on various criteria such as source IP, destination IP, URLs, protocols, and more.

Note: By default, we haven’t intentinally provided the squid.conf so that user can configure it as per their needs and that means, log may not be visible with default configuration, you can set it using the below custom configuration.

Custom Configuration For Docker

Add the following lines to the ‘squid.conf’ to redirect the logs to the ‘/dev/stdout’:

logfile_rotate 0
cache_log stdio:/dev/stdout
access_log stdio:/dev/stdout
cache_store_log stdio:/dev/stdout

For custom configurations, mount your squid.conf file into the container:

docker run --rm -v /path/to/your/squid.conf:/etc/squid/squid.conf -p 3128:3128

Custom Configuration For Kubernetes

For working in Kubernetes, you can also run a parallel container in a pod containing squid container. This container will tail these (/var/log/squid/{cache,access}.log or any other) logs on its stdout.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: squid-proxy
    app: squid
  - name: log-dir
    emptyDir: {}
  - name: squid
    - name: log-dir
      mountPath: "/var/log/squid/"
  - name: tailer
    image: busybox
    - "/bin/sh"
    - "-c"
    - tail -F /var/log/squid/access.log
    - name: log-dir
      mountPath: "/var/log/squid/"

For more detailed instructions and advanced configurations, refer to the Squid Official Documentation.

Last updated: 2024-04-11 12:38