Image Overview: tekton-cli-fips

Overview: tekton-cli-fips Chainguard Image


This image is a variant of the Tekton images that is FIPS-compliant.

Note: Tekton’s entrypoint image has requirements that are incompatible with how we normally enable FIPS-validated crypto in Go binaries. In order for it to work with Tekton, the binary must be statically linked. Luckily, this binary does no crypto – and we ensure that it does no crypto. This means we believe that the regular Tekton entrypoint image can be used in a FIPS environment, alongside the regular FIPS-variant Tekton images.


These images a drop-in replacement for the upstream images.

You can use an upstream release and replace the released images with those from Chainguard.

curl -sL | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    kubectl apply -f -

For Tekton Chains:

curl -sL | \
    sed "s|[a-z0-9:@.]\{1,\}||g" | \
    kubectl apply -f -

For Tekton CLI:

docker run version

Last updated: 2024-03-29 00:47