Chainguard Libraries Access

Getting access to Chainguard Libraries

Access to Chainguard Libraries is consistent across all permissions and accounts across the Chainguard platform.

If you are not a Chainguard user yet, a new Chainguard account must be created and configured for access to Chainguard Libraries.

If you are already a Chainguard user, the Chainguard account owner in your organization can grant access to Chainguard Libraries.

In both cases confirm the name of the organization so you can use it with the --parent parameter to specify the organization.

Once your user account is created and access is confirmed, install the Chainguard Control chainctl command line tool and login to your account:

chainctl auth login

After authentication in a browser window, a successful login displays a message and a token:

Successfully exchanged token.
Valid! Id: 8a4141a........7d9904d98c

Retrieve an authentication token for the Chainguard Libraries for Java:

chainctl auth pull-token --library-ecosystem=java --parent=example --ttl=8670h
  • --library-ecosystem=java: retrieve the token for use with Chainguard Libraries for Java
  • --parent=example: specify the parent organization for your account as provided when requesting access to Chainguard Libraries for Java and the replace example.
  • --ttl=8670d: set the duration for the validaty of the token, defaults to 720h (equivalent to 30 days), maximum valid value is 8760d (equivalent to 365 days), valid unit strings range from nanoseconds to hours and are ns, us, ms, s, m, and h.

When omitting the parent parameter, potentially a list of organizations is displayed. Use the arrow keys to navigate the selection displayed after the question “With which location is the pull token associated?” and select the organization that has the entitlement to access Chainguard Libraries for Java. Press / to filter the list.

chainctl returns a username and password suitable for basic authentication in the response:

Username: 45a.....424eb0

Password: eyJhbGciO..........WF0IjoxN

To use this pull token in another environment supply the following for username and password valid for basic authentication. Note that the actual returned values are much longer.

You can verify entitlements with the following command:

chainctl libraries entitlements list --parent=example

The output must include the Java ecosystem in the table:

Ecosystem Library Entitlements for (45a0...764595)

                             ID                             | ECOSYSTEM
  45a....................................................e1 | JAVA

Contact your Chainguard account owner for confirmation or adjustments if necessary.