Chainguard Libraries FAQ
Does Chainguard Libraries for Java include CVE remediation fixes?
Short answer:
No. Libraries are built from source code in the secured and hardened Chainguard infrastructure. This eliminates any build and distribution stage vulnerabilities.
More details:
Chainguard cannot patch Java libraries and create binaries with the same identifier because the complete behavior and API surface of every library affects the use. That use however is part of the application development of each customer. It varies widely and any change potentially creates incompatibilities, different behavior or even new security issues.
Chainguard collaborates with many upstream projects and can collaborate with customers to increase and accelerate the creation and adoption of fixes and the work towards new releases.
Importantly over 95% of all known vulnerable components have a fixed version available and by adopting those newer versions in your application you can remediate most CVEs. Chainguard Libraries for Java includes those newest versions and adds the build and distribution channel security.