Build Configuration
The configuration for the use of Chainguard Libraries depends on your build tools, continuous integration, and continuous deployment setups
At a high level adopting the use of Chainguard Libraries consists of the following steps:
- Remove local caches on workstations and CI/CD pipelines. This step ensures that any libraries that were already sourced from other repositories are requested again and the version from Chainguard Libraries is used instead of other binaries.
- Change configuration to access Chainguard Libraries via your repository manager after the changes from the global configuration are implemented.
These changes must be performed on all workstations of individual developers and other engineers running relevant application builds. They must also be performed on any build server such as Jenkins, TeamCity, GitHub or other infrastructure that builds the applications or otherwise downloads and uses relevant libraries.
Build configuration to retrieve artifacts from Cloudsmith requires you to authenticate. Use your username and password for Cloudsmith in your build tool configuration.
JFrog Artifactory
Build configuration to retrieve artifacts from Artifactory typically requires you to authenticate and use the identity token in the configuration of your build tool:
- Log in as user with access to the configured virtual repository.
- Select Edit Profile from the drop down in the top right corner from your user name.
- Press Generate Identity Token.
- Provide a description such as Chainguard Libraries for the token as a reminder for the use of the token.
- Copy the token value and use it as your password in your build tool configuration.
Sonatype Nexus Repository
Build configuration to retrieve artifacts from Nexus requires you to authenticate. Use your username and password for Nexus in your build tool configuration.
Apache Maven
Apache Maven is the most widely used build tool in the Java ecosystem.
Remove Maven Caches
Apache Maven uses a local cache of libraries. When adopting Chainguard Libraries
for Java you must delete that local cache so that libraries are downloaded
again. By default the cache, also known as the local repository, is located in a
hidden .m2/repository
directory in your user’s home directory. Use the
following command to delete it:
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository
Change Maven Configuration
Before running a new build you must configure access to the Chainguard Libraries
for Java. If the administrator for your organization’s repository manager
created a new repository or virtual repository or group repository, you must
update your settings defined in ~/.m2/settings.xml
A typical setup defines a global mirror (id ecosystems
) for all artifacts and
configures the URL of the repository group or virtual repository from your
repository manager
. Since the group or virtual
repository combines release and snapshot artifacts you must override the
built-in central
repository and its configuration in an automatically
activated profile.
<!--Send all requests to the repository manager -->
If your repository manager requires authentication, you must specify credentials for the server. The id value in the server element must match the id value in the mirror configuration. The username and password values vary depending on the repository manager and the configured authentication.
Refer to the official documentation for the Maven settings file for more details.
If the administrator only re-configured the existing repository group or virtual repository, you can trigger a build to initiate use of Chainguard Libraries for Java.
If you are not using a repository manager at your organization, you can configure access to the Chainguard Libraries for Java repository directly in your settings or pom files. Note that the order of the repositories in these files is significant and you must configure the chainguard repository to be located on the top of the list.
Gradle is a commonly used build tool in the Java ecosystem.
Remove Gradle Caches
Gradle uses a local cache of libraries. When adopting Chainguard Libraries for
Java you must delete that local cache so that libraries are downloaded again. By
default the cache is located in a hidden .gradle/.cache
directory in your
users home directory. Use the following command to delete it:
rm -rf ~/.gradle/caches/
Gradle can also be configured to use a local Maven repository with a repository
configuration in the global init.gradle
or a project specific build.gradle
repositories {
If this configuration is used, ensure to delete the local Maven repository as well.
Change Gradle Configuration
Global configuration for artifact download is Gradle can be performed in an init script using the repositories definition. Each project can also declare repositories separately.
Configure the Chainguard Libraries for Java repository with the credentials from Chainguard Libraries access. Ensure that the chainguard repository is located above the mavenCentral repository.
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = "longhash"
password = "longerhash"
Other Build Tools
Other build tools such as Apache Ant with the Maven Artifact Resolver Ant Tasks, sbt, Bazel, Leiningen and others use Maven or Gradle caches or similar approaches. Refer to the documentation of your specific tool and the preceding sections to determine how to remove any used caches.
These tools also include their own mechanisms to configure repositories for binary artifact retrieval. Consult the specific documentation and adjust your configuration to use your repository manager and newly created repository group or virtual repository.