Management and Maintenance

Working with your Chainguard Libraries for Java use

After the initial global configuration and build configuration the use of Chainguard Libraries for Java is transparently in progress. Newly use artifacts from new projects or new artifact versions are automatically retrieved from the Chainguard repository as they are available and the Maven Central Repository and other configure repositories serve as backstop to provide any additionally needed artifacts.

The following sections detail optional management, maintenance, and auditing steps on the repository manager and the build tool.

Source Verification

You can verify what artifacts are retrieved from the Chainguard Libraries repository on a global level:

  • Browse the proxy repository on your Artifactory or Nexus server.
  • Browse the Maven repository on your Cloudsmith instance and locate the artifacts with the tag from the Chainguard upstream proxy. The tag uses the name of the upstream proxy.

Use the browsing access to locate specific artifacts and identify their name, filesize, checksum values, timestamp and other identifiers. With these details you can verify your libraries use in the following locations:

  • Local cache repositories on developer workstation
  • Cache repositories in your CI pipeline
  • Libraries in your application bundles
  • Installed applications on your hosts or in your container images

Increase Chainguard Library Use

The number of available artifacts in Chainguard Libraries for Java increases over time. If an artifact was already retrieved from the Maven Central Repository and is available in your repository manager or local repository it is not automatically replaced with the equivalent Chainguard Library version.

You can force a download of new libraries by erasing them from your local repositories on your workstations and the Maven Central proxy repository in your repository manager. Both these repositories are caches only and it is therefore safe to delete them.

After the deletion any new build retrieves the artifact again and attempts to download from the Chainguard repository. As a result, newly available artifacts replace old artifacts that originated from Maven Central and your use of Chainguard Libraries increased.

For a more fine-grained approach you can also delete subsections of local repositories and the proxy repositories.