Migrating to PHP Chainguard Images
Chainguard Images are built on top of Wolfi, a Linux undistro designed specifically for containers. Our PHP images have a minimal design that ensures a smaller attack surface, which results in smaller images with few to zero CVEs. Nightly builds deliver fresh images whenever updated packages are available, which also helps to reduce the toil of manually patching CVEs in PHP images.
This article will assist you in the process of migrating your existing PHP Dockerfiles to leverage the benefits of Chainguard Images, including a smaller attack surface and a more secure application footprint.
Chainguard PHP Images
Chainguard offers multiple PHP images and variants catering to distinct use cases. In addition to the regular PHP image that includes CLI and FPM variants, we offer a dedicated Laravel image designed for Laravel applications.
Each variant comes in two flavors: a minimal runtime image (distroless) and a builder image distinguished by the -dev
suffix (e.g., latest-dev
In a nutshell, distroless images don’t include a package manager or a shell, being used exclusively as runtimes to keep the environment to a minimum. Builder images, on the other hand, include packages such as apk
and composer
for building PHP applications. Builder images can be used as-is to provide a more straightforward migration path. Whenever possible, though, we encourage users to combine both images in a multi-stage environment to build a final distroless image that will function strictly as an application runtime.
For a deeper exploration of distroless images and their differences from standard base images, refer to the guide on Getting Started with Distroless images.
Migrating from non-apk systems
When migrating from distributions that are not based on the apk
ecosystem, you’ll need to update your Dockerfile accordingly. Our high-level guide on Migrating to Chainguard Images contains details about distro-based migration and package compatibility when migrating from Debian, Ubuntu, and Red Hat UBI base images.
Installing PHP Extensions
Wolfi offers several PHP extensions as optional packages you can install with apk
. Because PHP extensions are system-level packages, they require apk
which is only available in our builder images. The following extensions are already included within all Chainguard PHP Image variants:
In addition to those, the Laravel image includes the following extensions:
You can run a temporary container with the php -m
command to see a list of enabled extensions:
docker run --rm --entrypoint php cgr.dev/chainguard/php -m
To check for extensions available for installation, you can run a temporary container with the dev
variant of a given image and use apk
to search for packages. For instance, this will log you into a container based on the php:latest-dev
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh --user root cgr.dev/chainguard/php:latest-dev
Make sure to update the package manager cache:
apk update
If you want to search for PHP 8.2 XML extensions, for example, you can run the following:
apk search php*8.2*xml*
And this should give you a list of all PHP 8.2 XML extensions available in Wolfi.
For more searching tips, check the Searching for Packages section of our base migration guide.
Migrating PHP CLI workloads to use Chainguard Images
Our latest
and latest-dev
PHP image variants are designed to run CLI applications and scripts that don’t need a web server. As a first step towards migration, you might want to change your base image to the latest-dev
variant, since that would be the closest option for a drop-in base image replacement. Once you have your dependencies and steps dialed in, you can optionally migrate to a multi-stage build to create a strict runtime containing only what the application needs to run.
The following Dockerfile
uses the php:latest-dev
image to build the application, which in this case means copying the application files and installing dependencies via composer
. A second build stage copies the application to a final distroless image based on php:latest
FROM cgr.dev/chainguard/php:latest-dev AS builder
USER root
COPY .. /app
RUN chown -R php /app
USER php
RUN cd /app && \
composer install --no-progress --no-dev --prefer-dist
FROM cgr.dev/chainguard/php:latest
COPY --from=builder /app /app
ENTRYPOINT [ "php", "/app/myscript.php" ]
Our PHP Getting Started guide has step-by-step instructions on how to build and run a PHP CLI application with Chainguard Images.
Migrating PHP Web applications to use Chainguard Images
For PHP web applications that serve content through a web server, you should use the latest-fpm
and latest-fpm-dev
variants of our PHP image. Combine it with our Nginx image and an optional database for a traditional LEMP setup.
The overall migration process is essentially the same as described in the previous section, with the difference that you won’t set up application entry points, since these images run as services. Your Dockerfile may require additional steps to set up front-end dependencies, initialize databases, and perform any additional tasks needed for the application to run through a web server.
You can use Docker Compose to create a LEMP environment and test your setup locally. The following docker-compose.yaml
file creates a local environment to serve a PHP web application using our PHP-FPM, Nginx, and MariaDB images:
version: "3.7"
image: cgr.dev/chainguard/php:latest-fpm-dev
restart: unless-stopped
working_dir: /app
- ./app:/app
- wolfi
image: cgr.dev/chainguard/nginx
restart: unless-stopped
- 8000:8080
- ./app:/app
- ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- wolfi
image: cgr.dev/chainguard/mariadb
restart: unless-stopped
- 3306:3306
- wolfi
driver: bridge
Notice that the environment creates a few shared volumes to share the application files and also the nginx.conf
file with the specific web server configuration. You’ll need that to tell Nginx to redirect .php
requests to the php-fpm
An example nginx.conf
file to handle PHP requests with default settings:
pid /var/run/nginx.pid;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
server {
listen 8080;
index index.php index.html;
root /app/public;
location ~ \.php$ {
try_files $uri =404;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_pass app:9000;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
gzip_static on;
Migrating Laravel Applications to use Chainguard Images
Chainguard has a dedicated Laravel image designed for applications built on top of the Laravel PHP Framework. This image is based on the php:latest-fpm
variant, with additional extensions required by Laravel. Migration should follow the same steps described in previous sections, with the laravel:latest-dev
variant as builder and laravel:latest
as the distroless variant of this image.
In addition to including extensions required by Laravel by default, the image includes a laravel system user that facilitates running composer
and artisan
commands from a host environment, which enables users to create and develop Laravel applications with the -dev
variant of this image. Check the section on Developing Laravel Applications for more information on how to use the builder variant of the Laravel image for development environments.
Using Builder Images for Development
Our PHP builder images are minimal yet versatile images that include apk
and composer
. You can use these images to create and develop PHP applications on a containerized development environment.
Builder images can be identified by the -dev
suffix (e.g: php:latest-dev
). You can use them to execute Composer commands from a Dockerfile or directly from the command line with docker run
. This allows users to run Composer without having to install PHP on their host system.
Running Composer
To be able to write to your host’s filesystem through a shared volume, you’ll need to use the root container user when installing dependencies with Composer using the latest-dev
or latest-fpm-dev
image variants.
Example 1: Installing Dependencies
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/app --entrypoint composer --user root \
cgr.dev/chainguard/php:latest-dev \
Example 2: Requiring a new dependency
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/app --entrypoint composer --user root \
cgr.dev/chainguard/php:latest-dev \
require minicli/minicli
You’ll need to fix file permissions once installation is finished:
sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} .
Running the Built-in Web Server
You can use the built-in PHP web server to preview web applications using a docker run
command with a port redirect.
The following command will run the php:latest-dev
image variant with the built-in server (php -S
) on port 8000
, redirecting all requests to the same port on the host machine, and using the current folder as document root:
docker run -p 8000:8000 --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/work \
cgr.dev/chainguard/php:latest-dev \
-S -t /work
The preview should be live at localhost:8000
Developing Laravel Applications
The laravel:latest-dev
image has a system user with uid 1000
that can be used for development. This facilitates handling file permissions when working with shared volumes in a development environment.
Creating a New Laravel Project
The following command will create a new Laravel project called demo-laravel in the current folder.
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/app --entrypoint composer --user laravel \
cgr.dev/chainguard/laravel:latest-dev \
create-project laravel/laravel demo-laravel --working-dir=/app
Running Artisan Commands
To run Artisan commands, you’ll need to create a volume to share your Laravel application within the container and set the image entrypoint to /app/artisan
. The following example runs the artisan migrate
command from the application folder:
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/app --entrypoint /app/artisan --user laravel \
cgr.dev/chainguard/laravel:latest-dev \
Running the Artisan Web Server
To quickly preview your Laravel application, you can use Artisan’s built-in web server. The following command runs the built-in Artisan web server from the application folder:
docker run -p 8000:8000 --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/app --entrypoint /app/artisan --user laravel \
cgr.dev/chainguard/laravel:latest-dev \
serve --host=
The preview should be live at localhost:8000
Additional Resources
Our PHP image documentation covers details about all PHP image variants, including the list of available tags for both development and production images. For another example of a LEMP setup using MariaDB, check our guide on Getting Started with the MariaDB Chainguard Image.
The Debugging Distroless guide contains important information for debugging issues with distroless images. You can also refer to the Verifying Images resource for details around provenance, SBOMs, and image signatures.
Last updated: 2024-04-04 15:56