How to Install the Rekor CLI

An overview of how to instal rekor-cli to query the Sigstore transparency log

An earlier version of this material was published in the Rekor chapter of the Linux Foundation Sigstore course.

Follow this tutorial for an overview of how to install rekor-cli.

To install the Rekor command line interface (rekor-cli) with Go, you will need Go version 1.16 or greater. For Go installation instructions, see the official Go documentation. If you have Go installed already, you can check your Go version via this command.

go version

If Go is installed, you’ll receive output similar to the following.

go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64

You will also need to set your $GOPATH, the location of your Go workspace.

export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)

You can then install rekor-cli:

go install -v

Check that the installation of rekor-cli was successful using the following command:

rekor-cli version

You should receive output similar to that of below:

GitVersion:    v0.4.0-59-g2025bf8
GitCommit:     2025bf8aa50b368fc3972bb276dfeae8b604d435
GitTreeState:  clean
BuildDate:     '2022-01-26T00:20:33Z'
GoVersion:     go1.17.6
Compiler:      gc
Platform:      darwin/arm64

Now that you have the Rekor CLI tool successfully installed, you can start working with it.