Chainguard Images

Network Requirements
Using Chainguard Images with firewalls, access control lists, and proxies
How to Set Up Pull Through from Chainguard Registry to Google Artifact Registry
Tutorial outlining how to set up a Google Artifact Registry repository to pull Images through from the Chainguard Registry.
Getting Started with the Cilium Chainguard Images
Tutorial on the Cilium Chainguard Images
Create an Assumable Identity for a GitHub Actions Workflow
Procedural tutorial outlining how to create a Chainguard Enforce identity that can be assumed by a GitHub Actions workflow.
Using Custom Identity Providers to Authenticate to Chainguard
An introduction to and overview of Chainguard's custom IDP support features
Registry Overview
An Overview of the Chainguard Registry
Verify Signed Chainguard Images
Using Policy Controller to Verify Signed Chainguard Images