Create an Assumable Identity for a CLI session authenticated with Keycloak
Procedural tutorial outlining how to create a Chainguard identity that can be assumed by a Keycloak user.
Beyond Zero: Eliminating Vulnerabilities in PyTorch Container Images (PyTorch 2024)Video and transcript of presentation at PyTorch 2024 on eliminating CVEs in the PyTorch image, drawing on best practices from Chainguard Images
Authenticate to Chainguard RegistryA guide on authenticating to the Chainguard Registry to get images
Chainguard Images FAQsFrequently asked questions about Chainguard Images
chainctl Referencechainctl Reference Documentation
Choosing a Container Image for your Compiled ProgramsAn overview comparing various Chainguard Images for compiled programs
glibc vs. muslAn overview of the differences between glibc and musl.