
Create an Assumable Identity for a GitLab CI/CD Pipeline
Procedural tutorial outlining how to create a Chainguard identity that can be assumed by a GitLab CI/CD pipeline.
Limit High or Critical CVEs in your Images Workloads
How to use the vulnerability attestation with no High or Critical CVEs Policy
Rego Policies
Writing Rego-based policies for Chainguard Enforce
Overview of Chainguard Images
Chainguard Images Overview
How to Manage Chainguard IAM Organizations
Using Identity and Access Management in Chainguard
Overview of Roles and Role-bindings in Chainguard
An overview of Chainguard's identities, roles, and role-bindings, as well as instructions for how to manage roles and role-bindings with chainctl.
Create an Assumable Identity for an AWS role
Procedural tutorial outlining how to create a Chainguard identity that can be assumed by an AWS role.